Ways to Backup data in BigQuery
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Organizations increasingly look at BigQuery as a single source of truth for their data. BigQuery is increasingly becoming the metaphor for a DataWarehouse. Data coming from different Lines of Business are finding its way to BigQuery for it to be harnessed and monetized. BigQuery is like a ‘Data Bank’. As with all Banks which have strict governance and backup mechanisms, BigQuery does offer ready to use Back-up Solutions. In this article i will explore the multiple scenarios and options available for backing up data in those scenarios.
Scenario 1: Few key tables used by end users for Analytics needs has to be backed up . Typically this arises when a DML statements (Insert, Update, Delete, Merge) needs to be run for an ad hoc request and developers just want to be insured!
Solution : Use the Table Snapshot option (only reads and not writes)in BigQuery. More info on table snapshots here.

Use the Table Clone option (both reads and writes) in BigQuery

Scenario 2 : When developers run that ‘DELETE’ statement without a where clause! ( In general, when a DML statement was run which they should not have run at all :-)
Solution : BigQuery provides time travel options to recover data as of a any day in the past 7 days.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `ascendant-shade-245307.bqml_tutorial.analytics_session_data`
FROM `ascendant-shade-245307.bqml_tutorial.analytics_session_data`
Scenario 3: Large Number of tables which change regularly need to be backed up as part of a regular backup plan. These tables also need to be archived beyond a certain time.
Solution : The Tables need to be backed up in Google Cloud Storage and archived there using the lifecycle management. We can use the Cloud Composer ( Managed Apache Airflow) and use the bigquery_to_gcs operator for this. Tables that need to be backed up can be passed as a list and the operator bigquery_to_gcs operator called in a sequential or parallel mode. the DAG can be scheduled for auto-run. More details on the operator can be found here.

Looking forward to update this page as i stumble along more such scenarios.